7 Card Stud & 7 Card Stud Hi-Lo – An old time favorite! In this thrilling poker game you’ll be betting five rounds instead of four!
A round disc -known as a dealer button – moves clockwise from player to player with each hand. The button marks which player is the dealer as the deal advances from player to player and the game goes on.
Each player is dealt two cards down and one card up beginning with the player to the immediate left of the dealer. The two faced down cards are called the hole cards and the up card is referred to as your “door card.” If antes are required, each player must post an ante before cards are dealt.
The first betting round is called third street and the player starts it with the lowest card by rank and suit. Suits are ranked from highest to lowest as Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs. The player with the lowest door card showing is required to make a forced bet known as the bring in bet. After the bring in bet is made the next player on the immediate left of the player making the bring in bet has the option to fold, call or raise the bet.
With the first betting round complete, the dealer burns the top card on the deck and then deals the next three cards simultaneously face up in the center of the table. These three community cards are called the flop and are used by all players equally. The first player to the button’s left, still in the hand, acts first after the flop. He can check, bet or fold. If he checks, the next player’s options are the same. If during the round any player bets, all players must call, raise, or fold.
With the second round of betting complete, the dealer now burns another card and then deals a fourth community card face up. This card is commonly called the turn or fourth street.
The showdown is the final step of the game. The players will turn over their hole cards and a winner will be determined. Any cards turned face up will be read by the dealer. Players will use the best five cards to determine a winning hand. The dealer will push the pot to that player. In the case of a tie, the pot will be split. All cards will be collected and shuffled by the dealer for the next round of play.
For 7 Stud Hi-Lo, the pot will be split with half going to the highest hand and half to the lowest hand. The player must have at least five cards 8 or lower that are not duplicated in order to have a qualifying low hand. Straights and flushes do not disqualify a low. The lowest ranking hand is a “wheel”: ace, deuce, three, four and five.
Come play at the Hialeah Park Casino Poker Room and come experience the difference! We are located just 5 minutes from Miami International Airport and 10 minutes from South Beach, Downtown Miami, Coral Gables, and Doral.